Sunday, November 6, 2016

Gran Turismo 2 Soundtrack

tours iquitos

Part of the brief for 'designing' the tours iquitos  2 soundtrack was for the developers to choose songs that were of a fast-tempo that would aid the driving experience and get the gamer to feel a real rush while they were playing. The soundtrack features a real quirky and well thought-out mix of tunes, whilst avoiding the obvious and self-indulgent temptations for the developers to just pick 'flavour of the month' songs or their personal favourites. It can be said that the songs really compliment the game and the driving action really well and there's nothing like going round the last corner on the 'Trial Mountain' course, adrenaline pumping through your veins, with Garbage's 'Unforgiven' blasting through the speakers.

The official name for the tours iquitos  2 soundtrack is 'Gran Turismo 2: Music at the Speed of Sound', and I couldn't have thought of a better name myself. The game starts with the infamous intro movie where we see a whole host of different cars speeding round different tracks with the Cardigan's 'Favourite Game' playing. While this song isn't an obvious choice for a racing game, it certainly doesn't feel out of place, and after a while you start to realise the deeper meaning of the lyrics and that the tempo is perfect for this kind of action.

The actual Gran Turismo 2 soundtrack has been released on CD and has actually sold a lot more copies than a lot of the big album releases that came out at a similar time, due to fans who loved the game so much wanting to take the soundtrack with them everywhere. It can't be said that Sony don't have a sense of humour, and Gary Numan's classic tune 'Cars' will always provide a laugh or two.

Tag: tours iquitos

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